This historic contrada, a term used to refer a small district of the countryside, is located beyond Serra San Bartolo ridge; historically it has always produced very elegant wines thanks to a deep layer of marine sand (50-60 cm), with little presence of rocks on the surface. Our Chiusa di Pettineo vines are nearly 60 years olds. Originally planted in a head trained or system from which the previous owner then transformed into a system, now with the vines climbing between the into monumental heights.
PT (Pettineo). A few miles away from Bombolieri and Fossa di Lupo, the 0.9-hectare 'Pettineo plot features the oldest Frappato vines (60+ years) in all of Vittoria. They grow on 70 cm of fine orange sand over tufa (a porous limestone) and are a mix of alberello and guyot training. This site is the first of the three to be harvested. Arianna finds a forward fruitiness and fine, smooth tannins in this wine.