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Renardat-Fache Bugey Cerdon

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A low alcohol pink sparkler made from Gamay and Poulsard grapes using the méthode ancestrale. Unlike the méthode champenoise or carbonation method by which the majority of sparkling wines are made, here the grapes are fermented in chilled vats until the alcohol reaches about 6%. After a light filtration that leaves most of the active yeast in the unfinished wine, it is bottled and continues fermenting, stopping at about 7½-8% alcohol, retaining perceptible sweetness from the grapes. Cerdon is to be consumed throughout the year following the vintage. It is fragile and requires excellent cellaring and transporting conditions. Renardat's is delicate, berry-scented, refreshing, and makes a delicious aperitif or dessert wine (even chocolate goes well with it).